They help us compare 2 people or things
A is smaller than B, B is bigger than A.
A is more expensive than B, B is cheaper than A
If the word has a syllable or 2, "er" is added at the end
Bigger -> Bigger
Spicy -> Spicier
With 2 syllables more or less is added
Careful -> more careful, less careful
With 3 or more syllables more or less is added
interesting -> more interesting, less interesting
In a sentence in which we want to use compratives, it is structured as follows:
X + be verb + comparative Adjective + than Y
C is the most expensive of the three universities.
Superlative -est we use it when we want to compare more than 2 things or people:
With words of 1 and 2 syllables we add est at the end
spicy -> spiciest
With words of 2,3 or more syllables, most-least is added
caraful -> most careful, least careful
interesting -> most interesting, least interesting
To use in sentences, it is structured as follows:
Sub1 + be verb + as + adjective + as + Subejct 2
An example of this applied to real life can be found in the song by the artist Christine Aguilera entitled "fighter":
"Cause it makes that much stronger"
(Taken from the song by christine Aguilera entitled "fighter")
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